Sin Moo Kwan Technical Program
Hapkido Sin Moo Kwan is the result of decades of training by Master Rafael Balbastre himself under Masters Jürg Ziegler and Doju-nim Ji Han Jae, bringing his personal experience in contact combat sports and professional techniques of security and civil and police self-defense.
The traditional Hapkido Sin Moo Kwan, is an offensive/defensive martial art, specialized in civil and police self-defense. Attractive both for its effectiveness and for the extraordinary development of physical and technical qualities, suitable for both children and adults.
Hapkido Sin Moo Kwan has two different programs for children and adults, with exams regulated by levels, Kup for novice color belts and Dan for Black Belts.
Below, we show the technical arsenal included in the examination programs from White to Black Belt 5th Dan.
Offensive techniques: (Konkiok sul)
| Defensive techniques: (Bang Ho sul)
Weapon techniques: (Moogui sul)
| Special techniques
The technical sections listed above represent the original Hapkido (Sung Moo Kwan & Sin Moo Hapkido) of Doju-nim Ji Han Jae, including methodology and modern training techniques, contributed by Master Rafael Balbastre with his personal experience in Korean Martial Arts.